Trace files of the Kaspersky Security Components Installation Wizard

Information about the progress and results of the Kaspersky Security Components Installation Wizard is written to trace files. If installation, upgrade, or removal of the Integration Server or Integration Server Console ends with an error, you can use these trace files when contacting Technical Support.

Trace files of the Kaspersky Security Components Installation Wizard are files in TXT format. They are automatically saved on the same device where the Wizard was started.

If you installed Kaspersky Security components or downloaded SVM images, the trace files are saved to an archive in the path %temp%\Kaspersky_Security_for_Virtualization_<version number>_Light_Agent_BundleInitialInstall_logs_<date and time>.zip, where:

If you upgraded Kaspersky Security components, the trace files are saved to an archive in the path %temp%\Kaspersky_Security_for_Virtualization_<version number>_Light_Agent_BundleMajorUpgrade_logs_<date and time>.zip, where:

If you removed Kaspersky Security components, the trace files are saved to an archive in the path %temp%\Kaspersky_Security_for_Virtualization_<version number>_Light_Agent_BundleUninstall_logs_<date and time>.zip, where:

Trace files of the Kaspersky Security Components Installation Wizard contain the following information:

Trace files of Kaspersky Security components Installation Wizard are stored in a readable format. It is recommended that you ensure that information is protected against unauthorized access before it is sent to Kaspersky.

Trace files of Kaspersky Security components Installation Wizard are not automatically sent to Kaspersky.

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