Trace files of the tool for managing Integration Server and SVM certificates

Information about the operation of the tool for managing the certificates of the Integration Server and SVMs may be recorded in trace files located in the %ProgramData%\Kaspersky Lab\VIISLA\logs folder.

By default, trace files are not created.

You can enable logging information to trace files of the certificate management tool, and also configure trace settings in the appsettings.certificate_manager.json configuration file located in the Integration Server installation folder: %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky VIISLA\.

Trace files of the certificate management tool may contain the following information:

Trace files of the certificate management tool do not contain personal information.

Trace files are moved to an archive folder (%ProgramData%\Kaspersky Lab\VIISLA\logs\archives) when the file size reaches 5 MB. Up to 10 files are stored in the archive folder. Once this number is reached, older files are deleted.

Access to the folder where trace files are saved is restricted by using an ACL. Administrator rights are required to access this folder.

If you change the default folder for storing trace files, Kaspersky Security does not control access to trace files. It is recommended to protect the information from unauthorized access.

Trace files are not sent to Kaspersky automatically.

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