Removing Kaspersky Security management plug-ins

Removing web plug-ins

The web plug-ins can be removed in the Kaspersky Security Center Web Console in the list of installed plug-ins (Settings → Web plug-ins).

Removing MMC plug-ins

We recommend closing the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console before starting the removal of the management MMC plug-ins.

The Protection Server MMC plug-in is removed using the standard tools for removing applications of the operating system of the device where Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console is installed.

To remove the MMC plug-in for managing Light Agent for Linux (Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Linux running in Light Agent mode):

  1. On the device where the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console is installed, open the Windows registry editor and go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\KasperskyLab\Components\28\Plugins key.

    This key contains the data of all management plug-ins installed in the Administration Console. The name of the managed application is specified in the DisplayName value.

  2. Select the key that corresponds to the plug-in of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Linux of the relevant version.
  3. Open the UninstallString value and copy it.
  4. Open the command line prompt as administrator, paste the copied value and press Enter.
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