Kaspersky Security Center lets you remotely manage the operation of Kaspersky Security solution components installed on client devices. In the case of the Kaspersky Security solution, the client devices of Kaspersky Security Center are SVMs with Protection Servers and virtual machines on which Light Agents are installed.
You can use Kaspersky Security Center to:
To manage the Kaspersky Security solution via Kaspersky Security Center, you can use the following Kaspersky Security Center administration consoles:
The interface for managing the Kaspersky Security solution via Kaspersky Security Center Web Console is provided by management web plug-ins (hereinafter also referred to as "web plug-ins").
The interface for managing the Kaspersky Security solution via Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console is provided by management MMC plug-ins for the Administration Console (hereinafter also referred to as "MMC plug-ins").
This Help describes how to use Kaspersky Security Center Web Console 15 and the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console 14.2.
The Integration Server Console is not started via Kaspersky Security Center Web Console. To start the Integration Server Console, you can use the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console or an executable file.
You can manage the Kaspersky Security solution through Kaspersky Security Center using policies and tasks:
Using policies and tasks, you can set the same operating settings for Light Agents or Protection Servers installed on the client devices of an administration group.
For more detailed information about policies and tasks, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center help.
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