About access rights to the settings of policies and tasks in Kaspersky Security Center

Kaspersky Security Center provides role-based access to features of managed Kaspersky applications. The rights to access the settings of policies and tasks (read, write, and execute) are defined for each user who has access to the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server. You can assign user accounts rights to perform certain actions in functional areas of the Kaspersky Security solution.

A single functional scope is allocated for the Kaspersky Security solution: Basic functionality. This functional scope includes the following settings and functions:

The following actions are available to the user regardless of account rights in the functional areas of the Kaspersky Security solution:

To perform the following actions with policies and tasks, the user account must have rights in the functional areas of the Kaspersky Security solution:

For more details on access rights to Kaspersky Security Center objects and on configuring access rights to functional areas of Kaspersky Security, see the Kaspersky Security Center Help.

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