Installing the Integration Server and Integration Server Console

The Integration Server and Integration Server Console must be installed under an account that belongs to local administrator group.

Installation requires at least 4 GB of free space on the drive containing the %ProgramData% folder.

The procedure for installing the Integration Server and the Integration Server Console depends on which version of Kaspersky Security Center you plan to use to manage the Kaspersky Security solution:

For successful installation of the Integration Server, in the settings of network equipment or traffic monitoring software you need to allow connections through the port that will be used by SVMs and Light Agents to connect to the Integration Server. By default, port number 7271 (TCP) is used.

When installing the Integration Server, data saved during removal of the Integration Server that was used to work with Kaspersky Security version 5.2 or later (including the Kaspersky Security 5.2.1 update) may be used.

The procedure for installing the Integration Server as part of Kaspersky Security solution update differs from the "clean" installation procedure described in this section.

In this section:

Installing in interactive mode using the wizard

Installing in silent mode using the wizard

Installing manually

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