Configuring logs and notifications

The Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console can be used to configure notifications for administrator and users about the following events related to Kaspersky Security for Windows Server and the status of Anti-Virus protection on the device:

Notifications about Kaspersky Security for Windows Server events can be configured either for a single protected device using the Properties: <Protected device name> window of the selected protected device, or for a group of protected devices in the Properties: <Policy name> window of the selected administration group.

On the Event notifications tab or in the Notification settings window, you can configure the following types of notifications:

You can configure notifications for some event types only in the window or on the tab; you can use both the window and tab to configure notifications for other event types.

If you configure notifications about events of the same type using the same mode on the Event notifications tab and in the Notification settings window, the system administrator will receive notifications for those events twice but in the same mode.

In this section

Configuring log settings

Security log

Configuring SIEM integration settings

Configuring notification settings

Configuring interaction with the Administration Server

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