About data provision

The License Agreement for Kaspersky Security for Windows Server, specifically the section entitled "Terms of data processing", specifies the terms, liability, and procedure for sending and processing the data indicated in this Guide. Before accepting the License Agreement, carefully review its terms as well as all documents linked to by the License Agreement.

The data Kaspersky receives from you when you use the application is protected and processed in accordance with the Privacy Policy available at www.kaspersky.com/Products-and-Services-Privacy-Policy.

The terms of the License Agreement and Privacy Policy are available during the Kaspersky Security for Windows Server installation, as a part of distribution kit, and from the Start menu (All programs > Kaspersky Security for Windows Server > EULA and Privacy Policy) after the installation.

During the Kaspersky Security for Windows Server uninstallation, all the data stored by Kaspersky Security for Windows Server on the protected device is deleted.

By accepting the terms of the License Agreement, you agree to automatically send the following data to Kaspersky:

Local data processing

While executing the application's primary functions described in this Guide, Kaspersky Security for Windows Server locally processes and stores a sequence of data on the protected computer.

The table below contains information about local processing and storing by Kaspersky Security for Windows Server of data contained in reports.

Processing and storing of data contained in reports

Functional area

Event registration

Type of use

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server stores the data locally and sends the data to the Administration Server. The Administration Server's database stores information about application events that occur on the managed protected devices.


  • %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Security for Windows Server\<application version>\Reports
  • %SystemRoot%\System32\Winevt\Logs\Kaspersky Security.evtx
  • Administration Server's database

Security measures

Access-control list.

Storage period

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server stores the data until the uninstallation of Kaspersky Security for Windows Server.

During the Kaspersky Security for Windows Server uninstallation, all the data stored by Kaspersky Security for Windows Server on the protected device is deleted.


Providing primary functionality.

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server does not delete events in the Windows Event Log including during the Kaspersky Security for Windows Server uninstallation.

In order to provide event registration functionality, Kaspersky Security for Windows Server locally processes the following data:

The following table contains information about the service data processed by the Kaspersky Security for Windows Server. The service data includes: program parameters, quarantined and backup files, information in the program's service databases, license data.

The table below contains information about local processing and storing by Kaspersky Security for Windows Server of data about parameters specified by a user.

Processing and storing of data about parameters specified by a user

Functional area

All Kaspersky Security for Windows Server functionality

Type of use

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server stores the data locally and sends the data to the Administration Server. The data is stored in Administration Server's database.

The data processed by the application locally is not automatically sent to Kaspersky or other third-party systems.


  • %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Security for Windows Server\<application version>\
  • Administration Server's database

Security measures

Access-control list.

Processing period

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server stores the data until the uninstallation of Kaspersky Security for Windows Server.

During the Kaspersky Security for Windows Server uninstallation, all the data stored by Kaspersky Security for Windows Server on the protected device is deleted.

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server does not delete the data about parameters exported into configuration file.

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server does not delete Quarantine objects and Backup objects if the Export quarantine objects and Export Backup objects check boxes are selected in the Setup Wizard.


Providing primary functionality.

For specified purposes, Kaspersky Security for Windows Server locally processes the following data:

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server processes and stores data as part of the application's basic functionality, including to log application events and receive diagnostic data. Locally processed data is protected in accordance with the configured and applied application settings.

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server lets you configure the level of protection for data processed locally (Managing access permissions for Kaspersky Security for Windows Server functions, Event registration. Kaspersky Security for Windows Server logs): you can change user privileges to access process data, change data retention periods for such data, entirely or partially disable functionality that involves data logging, and change the path and attributes of the folder where the data is logged.

The data processed by the application locally is not automatically sent to Kaspersky or other third-party systems.

By default, all data locally processed by the application during operation is removed after Kaspersky Security for Windows Server removal from the protected device.

Exception applies to files with diagnostics information (trace and dump files), the application events in the Windows Event Log, and files with exported Kaspersky Security for Windows Server settings - it is recommended to manually remove these files.

You can find the detailed information about working with files containing diagnostic data of the application in the corresponding sections of this Guide.

You can delete Windows Event Log files containing the program events of Kaspersky Security for Windows Server via standard means of the operating system.

Local data processing by means of the application auxiliary components

The Kaspersky Security for Windows Server installation package comprises the application auxiliary components, which can be installed on your device even if Kaspersky Security for Windows Server is not installed on it. Such auxiliary components are:

While performing the main functions of the application described in this Guide, the application auxiliary components locally process and store a set of data on the protected device where they are installed, even if they are installed separately from Kaspersky Security for Windows Server.

The application components locally process and store the following data:

The table below contains information about local processing and storing by Kaspersky Security for Windows Server of data written in dump and trace files.

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server locally processes and stores the following data written in dump and trace files:

The data processed by the auxiliary components is not automatically sent to Kaspersky or other third-party systems.

By default, all data locally processed by the application auxiliary components during the operation is deleted after removal of these components.

The exceptions are trace files of the application auxiliary components, it is recommended to delete this files manually.

Data in trace and dump files

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server can, in accordance with the settings, write debug information to trace files for the purposes of technical support during the operation of Kaspersky Security for Windows Server.

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server dump files are generated by the operating system during application crashes and are overwritten by the next crash.

Trace and dump files can include any personal data of a user or confidential data of your organization.

Do not use Kaspersky Security for Windows Server on devices for which data submission is prohibited by the policy of your organization.

By default, Kaspersky Security for Windows Server does not record debug information.

Trace and dump files are not automatically submitted beyond the host on which they were generated. The content of trace files can be viewed using standard text file viewers. Trace and dump files are kept indefinitely and are not deleted on uninstalling Kaspersky Security for Windows Server.

Debug information can be useful for Technical Support.

No special mechanisms are provided for limiting access to trace and dump files. The administrator can configure this data to be written to a protected folder.

The path to the trace and dump file folder is not configured by default. To use the trace and dump folder, the administrator must specify it.

Data in trace and dump files can contain:

Actions performed by Kaspersky Security for Windows Server on the host.

Information about objects processed by Kaspersky Endpoint Agent.

Errors arising during the operation of Kaspersky Endpoint Agent.

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