Installing a storage in the KUMA network infrastructure

To create a storage:

  1. Log in to the server where you want to install the service.
  2. Create the /opt/kaspersky/kuma/ folder.
  3. Copy the "kuma" file to the /opt/kaspersky/kuma/ folder. The file is located in the installer in the /kuma-ansible-installer/roles/kuma/files/ folder.

    Make sure the kuma file has sufficient rights to run.

  4. Execute the following command:

    sudo /opt/kaspersky/kuma/kuma storage --core https://<KUMA Core server FQDN>:<port used by KUMA Core for internal communication (port 7210 by default)> --id <service ID copied from the KUMA web interface> --install

    Example: sudo /opt/kaspersky/kuma/kuma storage --core --id XXXXX --install

    When deploying several KUMA services on the same host, during the installation process you must specify unique ports for each component using the --api.port <port> parameter. The following setting values are used by default: --api.port 7221.

  5. Repeat steps 1–2 for each storage node.

The storage is installed.

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