This is an optional step of the Installation Wizard. On the Routing tab of the Installation Wizard, you can select or create destinations with settings indicating the forwarding destination of events processed by the collector. Typically, events from the collector are routed to two points: to the correlator to analyze and search for threats; and to the storage, both for storage and so that processed events can be viewed later. If necessary, events can be sent elsewhere, for example, to the event router. In that case, select the 'internal' connector at the Transport step. There can be more than one destination point.
To add an existing destination to a collector resource set:
The window name changes to Edit destination, and it displays the settings of the selected resource. To open the settings of a destination for editing in a new browser tab, click .
The selected destination is displayed on the Installation Wizard tab. A destination resource can be removed from the resource set by selecting it and clicking Delete in the opened window.
To add a new destination resource to a collector resource set:
The created destination is displayed on the Installation Wizard tab. A destination resource can be removed from the resource set by selecting it and clicking Delete in the opened window.
Proceed to the next step of the Installation Wizard.
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