You can install all KUMA components on a single server using the Ansible tool and the single.inventory.yml inventory file.
To install Kuma on a single server:
build number
>.tar.gz KUMA distribution kit to the server and extract it. The archive is unpacked into the kuma-ansibleinstaller directory.The key file must be named license.key.
sudo cp <
key file
>.key <
installer directory
sudo ./ single.inventory.yml
If you do not accept the terms of the End User License Agreement, the program will not be installed.
Depending on the type of license activation, running the installer has one of the following results:
To install the services, specify the license code on the command line. Then run the installer with the "single.inventory.yml" inventory file.
sudo ./ single.inventory.yml
This creates the specified services. You can select the resources that you want to import from the repository.
The address of the KUMA web interface is https://<
FQDN of the host where KUMA is installed
Default login credentials:
- login – admin
- password – mustB3Ch@ng3d!
After the first login, change the password of the admin account
All KUMA components are installed and you are logged in to the web interface.
We recommend backing up the inventory file that you used to install the program. You can use this inventory file to add components to the system or remove KUMA.
You can expand the installation to a distributed installation.
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