Creating a secret in KUMA

After creating and configuring an account in MS SQL, you must add a secret in the KUMA web interface. This resource is used to store credentials for connecting to MS SQL.

To create a KUMA secret:

  1. In the KUMA web interface, open ResourcesSecrets.

    The list of available secrets will be displayed.

  2. Click the Add secret button to create a new secret.

    The secret window is displayed.

  3. Enter information about the secret:
    1. In the Name field, choose a name for the added secret.
    2. In the Tenant drop-down list, select the tenant that will own the created resource.
    3. In the Type drop-down list, select urls.
    4. In the URL field, specify a string of the form:



      • domain is a domain name.
      • %5C is the domain/user separator. Represents the "\" character in URL format.
      • username is the name of the created MS SQL account.
      • password is the password of the created MS SQL account.
      • server is the name or IP address of the server where the MS SQL database for Kaspersky Security Center is installed.
      • database_name is the name of the Kaspersky Security Center database. The default name is KAV.



      If the MS SQL database account password contains special characters (@ # $ % & * ! + = [ ] : ' , ? / \ ` ( ) ;), convert them to URL format.

  4. Click Save.

    For security reasons, the string specified in the URL field is hidden after the secret is saved.

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