Configuring receipt of FreeRADIUS events

You can configure the receipt of FreeRADIUS 3.0.26 events in the KUMA SIEM system.

Configuring event receiving consists of the following steps:

  1. Configuring audit of FreeRADIUS events.
  2. Configuring a Syslog server to send FreeRADIUS events.
  3. Creating a KUMA collector for receiving FreeRADIUS events.

    To receive FreeRADIUS events, in the Collector Installation Wizard, at the Event parsing step, select the [OOTB] FreeRADIUS syslog normalizer, and at the Transport step, select the tcp or udp connector type.

  4. Installing KUMA collector for receiving FreeRADIUS events.
  5. Verifying receipt of FreeRADIUS events in the KUMA collector.

    You can verify that the FreeRADIUS event source server is correctly configured in the Searching for related events section of the KUMA web interface.

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