Configuring DNS

To configure DNS settings:

  1. Specify the IP address of the DNS server or servers used for working with Active Directory on the server hosting the Squid service.

    For more details about the ways to configure DNS in various operating systems, please refer to the documentation on the relevant operating systems.

  2. Make sure that the Active Directory DNS zone is accessible from the server hosting the Squid service. To do so, execute the command:

    dig +short <Active Directory domain>

    To use the dig utility, you may be required to install the bind-utils package in advance.

    You will see A entries of Active Directory domain controllers.

  3. Specify the name of the server hosting the Squid service. To do so, execute the command:

    hostnamectl set-hostname <name of the server hosting the Squid service>

  4. Add A- and PTR entries on the Active Directory DNS server for the server hosting the Squid service.

    To create a PTR entry, you may need to add a reverse zone.

  5. Make sure that the name of the server hosting the Squid service matches the name of this server on the Active Directory DNS server.
  6. Make sure that the Active Directory domain controller is accessible from the server hosting the Squid service. To do so, execute the command:

    ping <Active Directory domain controller name>

    If the Active Directory domain controller is accessible, you will see a successful exchange of packets.

  7. Make sure that the server hosting the Squid service is accessible from the Active Directory domain controller. To do so, execute the command:

    ping <name of the server hosting the Squid service>

    If the server hosting the Squid service is accessible, you will see a successful exchange of packets.

The DNS settings will be configured.

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