To configure the client side of NTLM authentication:
parameter in the /etc/resolv.conf file contains the IP address of the DNS server with the Active Directory zone. To do so, execute the command:cat /etc/resolv.conf
To create a PTR entry, you may need to add a reverse zone.
ping <Active Directory domain controller name>
If the Active Directory domain controller is accessible, you will see a successful exchange of packets.
telnet <Active Directory domain controller name> 445
If the Active Directory domain controller is accessible, the connection will be established successfully.
To close the connection, press Ctrl-], then type quit
and press ENTER.
ping <name of the server hosting the Squid service>
If the server hosting the Squid service is accessible, you will see a successful exchange of packets.
The client side of NTLM authentication will be configured.
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