Removing the application from a physical server
Prior to removing the application, you must complete the necessary preparations.
For complete removal of the application from a physical server, it is recommended to overwrite the current data with random data several times.
To remove the application from a physical server:
- Download the LiveCD boot image (LiveKDE or LiveGNOME) of the CentOS distribution package.
These instructions describe how to work with LiveCD LiveGNOME.
- Deploy the LiveCD image on a USB drive. To do so, use the instructions from the CentOS Knowledge Base.
- Connect the USB drive to the server hosting Kaspersky Web Traffic Security.
- Identify the connected USB drive as a bootable device in the BIOS/UEFI settings and load it.
- Start the Terminal application. To do so, select the System Tools → Terminal section in the Applications menu.
The Terminal application console opens.
- Determine the hard drive name. To do so, execute the command:
- In the opened table, find the disk value in the TYPE column. The name of the hard drive is indicated in this same row in the NAME column.
- If you want to overwrite data on the drive one time only:
- If you want to overwrite data on the drive several times:
- Prepare the script file. To do so, execute the command:
echo “for n in \`seq 7\` ; do dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda bs=1M conv=notrunc ; done” > wipe
- Make the script file an executable file. To do so, execute the command:
chmod a+x wipe
- Run the script. To do so, execute the command:
sudo ./wipe
- Wait for the operation to finish. After the overwrite is finished, you will see a notification informing you that the drive is out of free space.
- Extract the USB drive.
- Restart the server and attempt to load the application from the hard drive.
If the data was successfully deleted, the application cannot be loaded.
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