Removing the application from a physical server

Prior to removing the application, you must complete the necessary preparations.

For complete removal of the application from a physical server, it is recommended to overwrite the current data with random data several times.

To remove the application from a physical server:

  1. Download the LiveCD boot image (LiveKDE or LiveGNOME) of the CentOS distribution package.

    These instructions describe how to work with LiveCD LiveGNOME.

  2. Deploy the LiveCD image on a USB drive. To do so, use the instructions from the CentOS Knowledge Base.
  3. Connect the USB drive to the server hosting Kaspersky Web Traffic Security.
  4. Identify the connected USB drive as a bootable device in the BIOS/UEFI settings and load it.
  5. Start the Terminal application. To do so, select the System ToolsTerminal section in the Applications menu.

    The Terminal application console opens.

  6. Determine the hard drive name. To do so, execute the command:


  7. In the opened table, find the disk value in the TYPE column. The name of the hard drive is indicated in this same row in the NAME column.
  8. If you want to overwrite data on the drive one time only:
    • To overwrite the drive with zeros, run the following command:

      sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=<hard drive name> bs=1M

    • To overwrite the drive with random data, run the following command:

      sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=<hard drive name> bs=1M

  9. If you want to overwrite data on the drive several times:
    1. Prepare the script file. To do so, execute the command:

      echo “for n in \`seq 7\` ; do dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda bs=1M conv=notrunc ; done” > wipe

    2. Make the script file an executable file. To do so, execute the command:

      chmod a+x wipe

    3. Run the script. To do so, execute the command:

      sudo ./wipe

  10. Wait for the operation to finish. After the overwrite is finished, you will see a notification informing you that the drive is out of free space.
  11. Extract the USB drive.
  12. Restart the server and attempt to load the application from the hard drive.

If the data was successfully deleted, the application cannot be loaded.

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