Server protection status

Server protection consists of the following components: mail protection, replication protection, and database scan. All protection components are enabled by default and start automatically when the Lotus Domino server is launched. Database scanning starts by default at 00h 00m once a month, beginning on the day of installation.

To receive information about which protection components are enabled or disabled:

  1. Select the server whose protection status details you want to view.
  2. In the control panel select the Information tab. The status of the protection components is displayed under Protection status (see figure below).

    Window of the Control Center database in the anti-virus protection status viewing mode

    Window of the Control Center database in the anti-virus protection status viewing mode

You can enable or disable any protection component.

To enable or disable a protection component:

  1. Select the server for which you want to enable or disable a protection component.
  2. In the action panel click the Modify button and in the control panel select the Information tab (see figure above).
  3. Under Protection status in the line that matches the component you require, select one of the two options: Enable or Disable.
  4. In the action panel, click the Apply button to save the changes.
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