The statistics sections contain the following subsections:
General – complete statistical information on the selected section without any grouping.
By server name – statistical information grouped by the name of the server on which the statistics were registered.
By date – statistical information grouped by the date and time when it was registered.
By object status – statistical information grouped by object status.
By sender – statistical information grouped by the address of the senders of the infected email messages (only for mail protection statistics).
By database name – statistical information grouped by the name of the database on which the infected documents were detected (only for replication protection and database scanning statistics).
By last author – statistical information grouped by the name of the person who made the most recent changes to the document (only for replication protection and database scanning statistics).
For each record, the following information is displayed:
Icon representing the status of the scanned object:
– object deleted;
– object disinfected;
– object was not scanned.
Date – the date when the object was scanned.
Time – the time when the object was scanned.
Server name – the name of the server on which the scan was performed.
Sender – the email address of the sender of the message in which the object was detected (only for mail protection statistics).
Recipients – the email addresses of the recipients of the message in which the object was detected (only for mail protection statistics).
Database name – the name of the database in which the scanned document is located (only for replication protection and database scanning statistics).
Module – the name of the module that scanned the object.
Detected – the result of the project scanning.
Last author – the name of the user who made the last changes to the document, and the name of the server where the changes have been made in the <UserName/ServerName> format (only for replication protection and database scanning statistics).
You can sort the records on the control panel in ascending or descending order of the values in the Date and Time columns or in alphabetical order of the values in the Server name and Module columns. To sort the records, click the symbol to the left of the relevant column.