Configuring the Domino server security settings

The Lotus Domino security settings have to be configured in order to correctly operate, install, and remove Kaspersky Anti-Virus. To do so, use the settings specified on the Security tab of the server document in the address book of the Lotus Domino server (see table below).

List of Domino server security settings


Security settings


Work cycle


Full Remote Console Administrators

Sending console commands to the primary and secondary installation server.

Sending console commands to any server using a common Control Center database replica.

Automatically rebooting the Lotus Domino server before deleting service data.

Create Databases & Templates

Creating a database of templates with a server used to sign the design of the Installing Kaspersky Anti-Virus database.

Not required.

Not required.

Create New Replicas

Creating a database replica with the primary and secondary installation server.

Not required.

Not required.

Run Unrestricted Methods and Operations

Background agents use run commands with the server file system: create directories, view directory contents, call external server-side applications, handle RichText content.

Background agents use run commands with the server file system: create directories, view directory contents, call external server-side applications, handle RichText content.

Background agents use run commands with the server file system: create directories, view directory contents, call external server-side applications, handle RichText content.

Trusted Servers

Background agents of the secondary installation server refer to the primary installation server database.

Server background agents refer to the database of any other server that uses a common Control Center database replica.

The agent refers to Kaspersky Anti-Virus's Installation database on the secondary installation server and to the primary installation server's Control Center database.


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