Setting up report delivery in Kaspersky Security Center

To set up receiving the summary report as a PDF file:

  1. In the MDR section of Kaspersky Security Center, click the Reports tab.
  2. Click the plus icon on the Report delivery task line.

    The New report delivery task panel appears.

  3. Turn on the Sending on schedule toggle switch.
  4. Specify the following settings:
    • In the Name field specify the report delivery task name. It can contains Latin letters, digits, and special characters. It cannot be more than 100 characters long.
    • In the To email field specify an email address of a user who will receive the summary. You can specify several email addresses.
    • Select the check box that confirms your agreement to send the summary report to the specified email addresses.

      Please note that summary reports contain data for all tenants, and can contain sensitive data, and will be sent in an open, unencrypted PDF format.

    • The check box that requires email addresses to be validated with the security code is selected by default. You can clear the check box if you do not want to validate the email addresses. If you do not validate the email address, you still can save the changes you make. If you clear the check box, please double check the email addresses entered, since they will be added without further confirmations, and they will be receiving summary reports that contain data for all tenants, and can contain sensitive data, and will be sent in an open, unencrypted PDF.
    • In the Schedule drop-down list select how often the summary should be sent:
      • Every day
      • Every week
      • Every month
      • Every year
      • Workdays
      • Custom

      Once the Custom value is selected, the buttons for the days of the week appear. Specify at least one day.

    • In the Time (UTC) field specify a time in 24-hour UTC format, when the report must be sent. For example, 15:00.

      The schedule only affects the time when the report is received, but does not affect the period of data in the report.

      The report always contains data for the last seven days, and the report generation day is not included. In other words, if you configure to receive the summary report every day, your daily report will contain data for the previous seven days, excluding the current day. If you configure to receiving the summary report every Wednesday, report will contain data from the previous Wednesday to the following Tuesday.

  5. Click the Save button in the lower part of the panel.
  6. If Validate the specified email address with the security code is selected, a unique verification code is sent to every email address that you specified. Each verification code expires in 10 minutes. In the verification block that appears, paste the confirmation code for all specified email addresses.

    If you paste an incorrect code three times in a row or paste an expired code, the Resend button appears. Click this button to receive new verification codes.

    Once all email addresses are verified, the block with the corresponding message appears. Click the Close button in the lower part of the block.

The summary report will be sent to the specified email addresses according to the defined schedule. You can edit this schedule later.

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