Configuring MDR Plug-in

To use Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response via MDR Plug-in, you need to configure MDR Plug-in in one of the following applications:


Make sure you have access to Kaspersky Security Center Web Console or to Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console, with the following minimum access rights:


The configuration proceeds in stages:

  1. Downloading MDR Plug-in

    Skip this stage if you are using Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console, because MDR Plug-in is pre-installed in Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console.

    In Kaspersky Security Center Web Console, download MDR Plug-in by selecting Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response in the list of available plug-ins. For details on how to get web plug-ins, refer to Kaspersky Security Center Windows Help or Kaspersky Security Center Linux Help.

  2. Setting access rights

    Set access rights manually for every user that you want to use MDR Plug-in, or create MDR roles with predefined access rights automatically by clicking the link in the first step on the Getting Started tab of MDR Plug-in.


Upon completion of this scenario, MDR Plug-in is set up to work with Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response.

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