About the Licensing tab

The Licensing tab displays information on all the keys used on devices—managed by any Administration Server or connected to any Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud workspace—that are integrated with ConnectWise Automate.

Key usage statistics are aggregated and displayed on the chart. The chart helps you to find out which keys are used on the managed computers in your network. The chart also helps you to manage the state of licensing on your network by allowing you to check how many of the keys have exceeded limits or are used over 90%. A license key exceeds limits if the number of computers that use the key divided by the number of computers to which the license key can be assigned is greater than 1. A license key is used over 90% if the number of computers that use the key divided by the number of computers to which the license key can be assigned is greater than 0.9.


Viewing licensing information

The Key details section displays information, provided by Kaspersky Security Center or Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud, about the keys used on the devices in your network, or stored in the main or virtual Administration Server storage or at the workspace. You can use filters to quickly find information about the required keys, for example, those used on devices installed at a specific client company or in a specific location, or keys with a specific status. You can apply several filters at the same time. Every time you open the Licensing tab, the previously used filter settings are restored—there is no need to set up filters again.

Information about the keys is displayed as a table. You can sort information in the table by any of the table columns by clicking the column header. For each key you can find the following information:

You can filter information displayed in the charts by client and location.

To filter information displayed,

In the All clients drop-down list, select a client or location to view only licenses that are used on the computers for this particular client or location.

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