Filtering keys by status

Filtering the list of keys by status is useful if, for example, you want to view only keys that have exceeded restrictions in order to respond immediately and solve a problem.

To filter the keys by status:

  1. Click the Licensing tab.
  2. Click one of the following links in the Show keys section:




    Displays all the keys.

    Exceeded restrictions

    Displays the keys with Exceeded restrictions status.

    A license key exceeds restrictions if the number of computers that use the key divided by the number of computers to which the license key can be assigned is greater than 1.

    More than 90% used

    Displays the keys with More than 90% used status.

    A license key is used over 90% if the number of computers that use the key divided by the number of computers to which the license key can be assigned is greater than 0.9.


    Displays the keys with OK status.

    Only keys with the selected status are displayed.

  3. Click Reset filter to display all the keys.

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