Editing the list of integration workspaces

When you create or edit an integration with ConnectWise Automate, edit the list of Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud workspaces associated with your integration.

When you add workspaces to the integration, information from these workspaces is synchronized between Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud and ConnectWise Automate, and ConnectWise Automate gains access to these workspaces. You may also have to remove a client’s workspace from the integration, for example, if your company no longer provides services to this client. After you remove a workspace, information from this workspace is no longer synchronized with ConnectWise Automate, but all integration administrators are able to continue administering this workspace in Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud.

Adding workspaces to the integration is required when you create a new integration.

To edit the list of integration workspaces:

  1. In the Integration settings window that opens after you connect to Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud, click the Edit link next to Workspaces.
  2. In the Select workspaces dialog box, the list of workspaces is displayed. Do one of the following:
    • Select the check boxes next to the workspaces that you want to add to the integration.
    • Clear the check boxes next to the workspaces that you want to remove from the integration.
  3. Click OK when you have selected the required workspaces.

The list of workspaces associated with the selected integration is now saved.

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