Editing the list of integration administrators

When you create or edit an integration with ConnectWise Automate, edit the list of administrators of your integration. You can add integration administrators as well.

When you add administrators to the integration, they have the same rights as existing administrators: they can administer all Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud workspaces bound to this integration and manage the integration settings.

When you remove administrators from the integration, they can no longer manage this integration and cannot administer its workspaces. You may have to remove administrators, for example, if they stop working for your company or move to new positions within the company and are no longer allowed to manage integrations.

Adding administrators to the integration is required when you create a new integration.

To add integration administrators:

  1. In the Integration settings window that opens after you connect to Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud, click the Add new link next to Administrators.
  2. In the Add administrators dialog box that opens, specify the email addresses and aliases associated with the Kaspersky Lab accounts of the users that you want to add as new administrators. You can add several administrators at a time.
    • Use a semicolon to separate the email address and alias of an administrator.
    • Type the data for each administrator in a new line.

      Only users registered in Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud can be added to the integration.

  3. Click Next and check the data that you provided. If everything is correct, click Finish to add the administrators to the integration. If you want to change the information you provided, click Back.
  4. After you perform all the actions with administrators' accounts, click OK.
  5. The new administrators are added to the list of administrators of the selected integration.

To remove integration administrators:

  1. In the Integration settings window that opens after you connect to Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud, click the Edit link next to Administrators.

    The Select administrators dialog box opens, and names of all the administrators of the selected integration are displayed. The check boxes are selected next to all administrators of the integration.

  2. To remove one or more administrators from the integration, clear the check boxes next to these administrator names.
  3. Click OK.

The list of administrators associated with the selected integration is now saved. The removed administrators can no longer administer the workspaces of this integration.

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