Deleting an existing integration

You can delete an existing integration in the Integration settings section.

When you delete an integration, all workspaces linked to the integration are unbound from the integration and continue to exist in Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud. All administrators of the deleted integration receive notifications that the integration was deleted, but they can continue to administer workspaces that were linked to this integration. All workspaces that are unbound from the deleted integration can be added to other integrations.

To delete an integration:

  1. On the Kaspersky tab of ConnectWise Automate Control Center, go to the Integration settings section. For details, refer to Creating a new integration, steps 1–5.
  2. In the Select integration drop-down list, select the integration that you want to delete.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. Confirm integration deletion in the dialog box.

The integration is deleted.

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