Building executable files for the HTTP service and the HTTP client

You can compile the kavehttpd service and the sample HTTP client from the source code located in the %service_dir%/samples/kavhttp/ directory.

Software requirements

To compile kavehttpd service and the sample HTTP client, you must install the following software on you computer:

Compiling Kaspersky Scan Engine and the sample HTTP client in Linux

To compile Kaspersky Scan Engine and the sample HTTP client in Linux:

  1. Navigate to the %service_dir%/samples/kavhttp/ directory.
  2. Run make.

    The compiled client executable files will be placed in the %service_dir%/bin directory. The compiled service executable files will be placed in the %service_dir%/opt/kaspersky/ScanEngine/sdk8l3/bin/ directory.

The following example demonstrates building the executable files:

user@computer:/opt/kaspersky/ScanEngine# cd ./samples/kavhttp/

user@computer:/opt/kaspersky/ScanEngine/samples/kavhttp/# make

Kaspersky Scan Engine and the sample HTTP client in Windows

To compile Kaspersky Scan Engine and the sample HTTP client in Windows:

  1. Navigate to the %service_dir%/samples/kavhttp/http_service/windows folder.
  2. Do the following:
    • If you want to compile the kavehttpd service, open the kavhttpd.vcxproj file in Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 and later.
    • If you want to compile the sample HTTP client, open the kavhttp_client.vcxproj file in Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 and later.
  3. Right-click the project in Solution Explorer and select Properties.
  4. In the properties window that opens, in the left navigation tree, select Configuration Properties > Linker > Input. For the Additional Dependencies property, add the paths to the Boost, OpenSSL, and PostgreSQL libraries.
  5. In the left navigation tree, select Configuration Properties > ะก/C++. For the Additional Include Directories property, add the headers of the Boost, OpenSSL, and PostgreSQL libraries.
  6. Right-click the project in Solution Explorer, and then select Build.

If you use Kaspersky Scan Engine GUI and intend to modify the provided binaries, please make sure to get prior approval for all changes from your technical account manager (TAM).

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