This topic contains instructions on how to configure Apache server manually to work with Corporate App Catalog. Follow these instructions if installation via the setup wizard has completed with any errors, or if you already have your own Apache server of version 2.4 or later installed.
We recommend that you use a SSL connection when working with Apache server to ensure the required security level. To use the SSL connection, enable SSL support and configure SSL connection parameters in the configuration file of your Apache server. For more information, please refer to the Apache server documentation.
To configure Apache server manually:
LoadModule mime_module modules/
LoadModule dir_module modules/
LoadModule kscwc_module modules/
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes
DirectoryIndex index.shtml
AddType text/html .shtml
AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml
AddDefaultCharset utf-8
Options +ExecCGI
SetHandler kscwc-script
FastCgiExternalServer "<Path_to_folder_cgi-bin>/kscwc" -host localhost:9000
where localhost:9000
is the address for connecting to Apache server.
When writing the path to the cgi-bin folder, you must use slashes (not backslashes). For example, the path to c:\apache\cgi-bin should be specified as c:/apache/cgi-bin, and the following string should be written to the configuration file: FastCgiExernalServer "c:/apache/cgi-bin/kscwc" -host localhost:9000
Specifies the number of commands executed by Apache server.
Specifies the address and port used by Apache server to connect to Corporate App Catalog.
Specifies the address of Kaspersky Security Center server used by Corporate App Catalog to send requests to Kaspersky Security Center.
Specifies the port number of Kaspersky Security Center server used by Corporate App Catalog to send requests to Kaspersky Security Center.
"InstallPath"="C:\\Program Files\\Kaspersky Lab\\Kaspersky Security Center Web-Console\\"
Specifies the path to the folder with xsl. files.
Specifies the event log detail level (0 – do not log events, 5 – log all events).
Specifies the maximum length of inactive session. The count is started from the time of the last request.
Specifies the maximum length of HTTP requests to Apache server. The key is used to protect Apache server from too long requests.
Specifies the size of queue of user requests that are waiting for processing. This parameter is crucial at the peak workload. If the number of user requests exceeds the parameter value, the "Server not available" error message will appear to users. The default value is c8(200).