Parsing Kaspersky CyberTrace detection events in McAfee Enterprise Security Manager

This section describes how to parse Kaspersky CyberTrace detection events that have the following format:

Kaspersky CyberTrace Detection Event| date=%Date% reason=%Category% detected=%MatchedIndicator% act=%DeviceAction% dst=%RE_IP% src=%SRC_IP% hash=%RE_HASH% request=%RE_URL% dvc=%DeviceIp% sourceServiceName=%Device% suser=%UserName% msg:%RecordContext%

Note that if you change the format of Kaspersky CyberTrace detection events, you have to change the Kaspersky CyberTrace parser rules in McAfee Enterprise Security Manager.

To parse a detection event, enter the following data in the Advanced Syslog Parser Rule dialog box:

After specifying the above values, do the following:

  1. In the Default Policy list, select the Kaspersky CyberTrace device, and then enable the Kaspersky_CyberTrace_DetectionEvent rule.
  2. Select FileSave to save the current state.
  3. Select OperationsRollout to roll out the policy.
  4. Reinitialize the Kaspersky CyberTrace device.
  5. Select OperationsModify Aggregation Settings to change the aggregation rules for Kaspersky CyberTrace service events.

    The Modify Aggregation Settings dialog box appears.

  6. Specify the following values:
    • Set Field 2 to Object.
    • Set Field 3 to Return_Code.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Confirm the rollout request.
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