Browsing Kaspersky CyberTrace events in McAfee Enterprise Security Manager

This section describes how to browse Kaspersky CyberTrace events in McAfee ESM.

To browse the events from Kaspersky CyberTrace:

  1. Select the Normalized Dashboard tab and in the Event Summary table, find rows with text that start with Kaspersky_CyberTrace_.

    Normalized Dashboard tab in McAfee.

    Browsing event summary

  2. Select a row in the Event Summary table.

    The Events table will contain events from Kaspersky CyberTrace.

    Events table in McAfee.

    Kaspersky CyberTrace events list

  3. Select a row in the Events table.

    Full information about the selected event will be displayed below the Events table.

    Events table in McAfee. Event details. Custom Types tab.

    Browsing the event information

Please refer to the McAfee ESM documentation for instructions about creating dashboards and alerts.

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