Disk requirements

Disk type

The disk type depends on the number of events per second (EPS) to be processed by Kaspersky CyberTrace:

Free disk space

The amount of free disk space is calculated separately for the following data:

After that, the resulting values are summed to receive the total value.

Disk space for system files, statistics, and other service data

It is required to have about 1 GB of free disk space for each month of storing statistics (statistics are stored for up to three months).

Disk space for saved detections

This value is calculated as follows:

<disk space> = <EPS> x <detection rate> x <detection size> x 3600 x 24 x <statistics storing period>


Disk space for retrospective scan data

This value is calculated as follows:

<disk space> = <EPS> x <event size> x 3600 x 24 x <retention period for retroscan>


Disk space for indicators

This value is selected as follows:

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