Additional configuration of the application version 6.0.2

These instructions are aimed at resolving a problem involving a possible delay when applying the anti-virus databases after an update. We strongly recommend applying these settings.

You must follow these instructions on Central Node servers with component version 6.0.2.

Depending on how the application is deployed and used, you must follow these instructions on the following Central Node servers:

You can use a script to perform the steps of the instructions. In this case, the application is configured automatically and you do not need to follow the instructions below. The script is provided by Technical Support upon request.

To configure the application:

  1. Create a text file with the following content:

    mkdir -p /opt/kaspersky/ks_check_klava_patch

    cat <<EOF > /opt/kaspersky/ks_check_klava_patch/


    KATA_SCANNER_ID=\$(docker ps -f name=kata_scanner -q)

    if [[ -z \${KATA_SCANNER_ID} ]]; then

    echo "kata_scanner not found - exit"

    exit 0




    echo "before"

    docker exec \${KATA_SCANNER_ID} bash -c "ls -l \$(dirname \${CHECK_KLAVA_TGT})"

    docker exec \${KATA_SCANNER_ID} bash -c "[ -h \${CHECK_KLAVA_TGT} ] || ln -s -f \${CHECK_KLAVA_SRC} \${CHECK_KLAVA_TGT}"

    echo "after"

    docker exec \${KATA_SCANNER_ID} bash -c "ls -l \$(dirname \${CHECK_KLAVA_TGT})"


  2. Save the file with the .sh extension.
  3. Create a text file with the following content:

    cat <<EOF >/etc/cron.d/ks_check_klava_patch



    * * * * * root flock -w 3 /tmp/ks_check_klava_patch.lock /bin/bash /opt/kaspersky/ks_check_klava_patch/ 2>&1 > /tmp/ks_check_klava_patch.log


  4. Save the file with the .sh extension.
  5. Place the files created during steps 1-4 of this instruction to the Central Node server.
  6. Enter the management console of the Central Node server over SSH or through a terminal.
  7. When the system prompts you, enter the administrator user name and the password that was specified during installation of the component.

    The application component administrator menu is displayed.

  8. In the application administrator menu, select Technical Support Mode.
  9. Press ENTER.

    This opens the Technical Support Mode confirmation window.

  10. Confirm that you want to manage the application in Technical Support Mode. To do so, select Yes and press ENTER.
  11. Raise the privileges of the user by running sudo -i.
  12. Run the scripts created at steps 1 to 4 of these instructions in the following order:
    1. The script created at steps 1–2.
    2. The script created at steps 3–4.

    To run the script, execute the following commands:

    chmod +x <script name>.sh

    ./<script name>.sh

    The commands must be executed for each script.

  13. Make sure the application configuration log does not contain any errors. Open the log by running the command:

    tail -f /tmp/ks_check_klava_patch.log

The application is configured.

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