Request to enable network isolation

To enable network isolation for a selected host, you must add a network isolation rule. To create the request, the HTTP POST method is used.

Command settings are passed in the body of the request in JSON format.

Command syntax

curl -k --cert <path to TLS certificate file> --key <path to private key file> -X POST "<URL of Central Node server>:<port, 443 by default>/kata/response_api/v1/<external_system_id>/settings?sensor_id=<sensor_id>&settings_type=network_isolation" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '


"settings": {

"autoTurnoffTimeoutInSec": <network isolation time period>}



If the request is processed successfully, the network isolation rule is added. Network isolation for the selected host becomes active at the moment when the rule is added.

After a period of time specified when the request is created, network isolation becomes inactive. The network isolation rule itself is not deleted. If necessary, you can delete the selected rule.

To disable network isolation, you must create a request to disable the selected rule.







Unique ID of the external system used for authorization in Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform.



Unique ID of the host with the Endpoint Agent component



Period of time during which the network isolation will be active.

Allowed range - 1 to 9999 hours. Network isolation time period is specified in seconds. For example, if you want to enable network isolation of a host for two hours, you must specify 7,200 seconds.

Example of entering a command with switches

curl -k --cert <path to TLS certificate file> --key <path to private key file> -X POST "" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '


"settings": {

"autoTurnoffTimeoutInSec": 7200}





HTTP code: 200

Format: JSON

type Response []Settings


type Settings struct {

ExcludedRules array `json:"excludedRules"`

AutoTurnoffTimeoutInSec integer `json:"autoTurnoffTimeoutInSec"`



Returned value

Return code



Incorrect parameters.


Authorization required.


Specified hosts with the Endpoint Agent component not found.

500, 502, 503, 504

Internal server error. Repeat the request later.

If you want to edit the settings of the created network isolation rule, you must create a new request to add the rule with the new settings.

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