If you are using the distributed solution and multitenancy mode, use the web interface of the PCN or SCN server for which you want to configure parameters.
Operation mode in which Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform is used to protect the infrastructure of multiple organizations or branch offices of the same organization simultaneously.
Two-level hierarchy of servers with Central Node components installed. This hierarchy allocates a primary control server (Primary Central Node (PCN)) and secondary servers (Secondary Central Nodes (SCN)).
To configure the date and time on the server.
In the window of the application web interface, select the Settings section, Date and time subsection.
In the Time zone drop-down list, select the time zone of the physical location of the server with the Central Node component.
You can specify the country and time zone by selecting the relevant region on the map under the drop-down lists.
Under NTP servers, specify the value of the Maximum packet transmission time setting, which limits the maximum possible time it takes to deliver a packet from the Central Node server to the NTP server.