KasperskyOS Community Edition 1.1
[Topic api_memory_alloc]


This function is declared in the kos/alloc.h file.

void *KosMemAlloc(rtl_size_t size);

This function allocates (reserves and commits) a memory area equal to the specific size of bytes.

This function returns a pointer to the allocated area or RTL_NULL if memory could not be allocated.

Memory allocated by using the KosMemAlloc() function has the following allocation flags: VMM_FLAG_READ | VMM_FLAG_WRITE, VMM_FLAG_RESERVE, VMM_FLAG_COMMIT, VMM_FLAG_LOCKED. To allocate memory with other allocation flags, use the KnVmAllocate() function.

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[Topic kos_mem_alloc]


This function is declared in the kos/alloc.h file.

void *KosMemAllocEx(rtl_size_t size, rtl_size_t align, int zeroed);

This function is analogous to KosMemAlloc(), but it also has additional parameters:

  • align refers to the alignment of the memory area in bytes (power of two).
  • zeroed determines whether or not the memory area needs to be filled with zeros (1 means fill, 0 means do not fill).
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[Topic kos_mem_alloc_ex]


This function is declared in the kos/alloc.h file.

void KosMemFree(void *ptr);

This function frees a memory area that was allocated using the KosMemAlloc(), KosMemZalloc() or KosMemAllocEx() function.

  • ptr is the pointer to the freed memory area.
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[Topic kos_mem_free]


This function is declared in the kos/alloc.h file.

rtl_size_t KosMemGetSize(void *ptr);

This function returns the size (in bytes) of the memory area allocated using the KosMemAlloc(), KosMemZalloc() or KosMemAllocEx() function.

  • ptr is the pointer to the memory area.
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[Topic kos_mem_get_size]


This function is declared in the kos/alloc.h file.

void *KosMemZalloc(rtl_size_t size);

This function is analogous to KosMemAlloc(), but it also fills the allocated memory area with zeros.

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[Topic kos_mem_zalloc]