KasperskyOS Community Edition 1.1

CDL description

CDL descriptions are put into separate *.cdl files, which contain the following data:

  1. The name of the component. The following declaration is used:

    component <component name>

  2. [Optional] Security interface. The following declaration is used:

    security <interface name>

  3. [Optional] List of endpoints. The following declaration is used:

    endpoints {

    <endpoint name : interface name>



    Each endpoint is indicated in a separate line. The endpoint name must not contain any underscores _. The list can contain multiple endpoints with the same interface. Each endpoint in the list has a unique name.

  4. [Optional] List of instances of embedded components. The following declaration is used:

    components {

    <component instance name : component name>



    Each component instance is indicated in a separate line. The component instance name must not contain any underscores _. The list can contain multiple instances of one component. Each component instance in the list has a unique name.

The CDL language is case sensitive.

Single-line comments and multi-line comments can be used in a CDL description.

At least one optional declaration is used in a CDL description. If a CDL description does not use at least one optional declaration, this description will correspond to an "empty" component that does not provide endpoints, does not contain embedded components, and does not support a security interface.

Examples of CDL files


// Component provides one endpoint.

component kl.KscProductEventsProvider

endpoints {

eventProvider : kl.IKscProductEventsProvider



// Component provides multiple endpoints.

component kl.KscConnectorComponent

endpoints {

KscConnCommandSender : kl.IKscConnCommandSender

KscConnController : kl.IKscConnController

KscConnSettingsHolder : kl.IKscConnSettingsHolder

KscDataProvider : kl.IKscDataProvider

ProductDataHolder : kl.IProductDataHolder

KscDataNotifier : kl.IKscDataNotifier

KscConnectorStateNotifier : kl.IKscConnectorStateNotifier



/* Component does not provide endpoints, supports

* a security interface, and contains one instance

* of another component. */

component FsVerifier

security Approve

components {

verifyComp : Verify


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