KasperskyOS Community Edition 1.1

IoReadIoPortBuffer8(), IoReadIoPortBuffer16(), IoReadIoPortBuffer32()

These functions are declared in the coresrv/io/ports.h file.

void IoReadIoPortBuffer8(rtl_size_t port, rtl_uint8_t *dst, rtl_size_t cnt);

void IoReadIoPortBuffer16(rtl_size_t port, rtl_uint16_t *dst, rtl_size_t cnt);

void IoReadIoPortBuffer32(rtl_size_t port, rtl_uint32_t *dst, rtl_size_t cnt);

These functions read the sequence of one-, two-, or four-byte values, respectively, from the specified port and write the values to the dst array.

cnt is the length of sequence.

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[Topic io_read_io_port_buffer]