KasperskyOS Community Edition 1.1


This function is declared in the kos/thread.h file.

Retcode KosThreadCreate(Tid *tid,

rtl_uint32_t priority,

rtl_uint32_t stackSize,

ThreadRoutine routine,

void *context,

int suspended);

This function creates a new thread.

Input parameters:

  • priority must be within the interval from 0 to 31; the following priority constants are available: ThreadPriorityLowest (0), ThreadPriorityNormal (15) and ThreadPriorityHighest (31).
  • stackSize is the size of the stack.
  • routine is the function that will be executed in the thread.
  • context is the argument that will be passed to the routine function.
  • suspended lets you create a thread in the suspended state (1 means create suspended, 0 means create not suspended).

Output parameters:

  • tid is the ID of the created thread.


int main(int argc, char **argv)


Tid tidB;

Tid tidC;

Retcode rcB;

Retcode rcC;

static ThreadContext threadContext[] = {

{.ddi = "B", .deviceName = "/pci/bus0/dev2/fun0/DDI_B"},

{.ddi = "C", .deviceName = "/pci/bus0/dev2/fun0/DDI_C"},


rcB = KosThreadCreate(&tidB, ThreadPriorityNormal,



&threadContext[0], 0);

if (rcB != rcOk)

ERR("Failed to start thread %s", threadContext[0].ddi);

rcC = KosThreadCreate(&tidC, ThreadPriorityNormal,



&threadContext[1], 0);

if (rcC != rcOk)

ERR("Failed to start thread %s", threadContext[1].ddi);

/* Waiting for the threads to complete */



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[Topic kos_thread_create]