- Threads
- KosThreadCallback()
- KosThreadCallbackRegister()
- KosThreadCallbackUnregister()
- KosThreadCreate()
- KosThreadCurrentId()
- KosThreadExit()
- KosThreadGetStack()
- KosThreadOnce()
- KosThreadResume()
- KosThreadSleep()
- KosThreadSuspend()
- KosThreadTerminate()
- KosThreadTlsGet()
- KosThreadTlsSet()
- KosThreadWait()
- KosThreadYield()
The callback function prototype is declared in the kos/thread.h
typedef void KosThreadCallback(KosThreadCallbackReason reason);
/* Callback function argument */
typedef enum KosThreadCallbackReason {
} KosThreadCallbackReason;
When a new thread is created, all registered callback functions will be called with the KosThreadCallbackReasonCreate
argument. When the thread is terminated, they will be called with the KosThreadCallbackReasonDestroy
This function is declared in the kos/thread.h
Retcode KosThreadCallbackRegister(KosThreadCallback *callback);
This function registers a custom callback function. When a thread is created and terminated, all registered callback functions will be called.
Page topKosThreadCallbackUnregister()
This function is declared in the kos/thread.h
Retcode KosThreadCallbackUnregister(KosThreadCallback *callback);
This function deregisters the custom callback function (removes it from the list of called functions).
Page topKosThreadCreate()
This function is declared in the kos/thread.h
Retcode KosThreadCreate(Tid *tid,
rtl_uint32_t priority,
rtl_uint32_t stackSize,
ThreadRoutine routine,
void *context,
int suspended);
This function creates a new thread.
Input parameters:
must be within the interval from 0 to 31; the following priority constants are available:ThreadPriorityLowest
(15) andThreadPriorityHighest
is the size of the stack.routine
is the function that will be executed in the thread.context
is the argument that will be passed to theroutine
lets you create a thread in the suspended state (1 means create suspended, 0 means create not suspended).
Output parameters:
is the ID of the created thread.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
Tid tidB;
Tid tidC;
Retcode rcB;
Retcode rcC;
static ThreadContext threadContext[] = {
{.ddi = "B", .deviceName = "/pci/bus0/dev2/fun0/DDI_B"},
{.ddi = "C", .deviceName = "/pci/bus0/dev2/fun0/DDI_C"},
rcB = KosThreadCreate(&tidB, ThreadPriorityNormal,
&threadContext[0], 0);
if (rcB != rcOk)
ERR("Failed to start thread %s", threadContext[0].ddi);
rcC = KosThreadCreate(&tidC, ThreadPriorityNormal,
&threadContext[1], 0);
if (rcC != rcOk)
ERR("Failed to start thread %s", threadContext[1].ddi);
/* Waiting for the threads to complete */
This function is declared in the kos/thread.h
Tid KosThreadCurrentId(void);
This function requests the TID of the calling thread.
If successful, the function returns the thread ID (TID).
Page topKosThreadExit()
This function is declared in the kos/thread.h
void KosThreadExit(rtl_int32_t exitCode);
This function forcibly terminates the current thread with the exitCode
This function is declared in the kos/thread.h
void *KosThreadGetStack(Tid tid, rtl_uint32_t *size);
This function gets the stack of the thread with the specific tid
Output parameter size
contains the stack size.
If successful, the function returns the pointer to the beginning of the stack.
Page topKosThreadOnce()
This function is declared in the kos/thread.h
typedef int KosThreadOnceState;
Retcode KosThreadOnce(KosThreadOnceState *onceControl,
void (* initRoutine) (void));
This function lets you call the defined initRoutine
procedure precisely one time, even when it is called from multiple threads.
The onceControl
parameter is designed to control the one-time call of the procedure.
If the procedure is successfully called, and if it was called previously, the KosThreadOnce()
function returns rcOk.
This function is declared in the kos/thread.h
Retcode KosThreadResume(Tid tid);
This function resumes the thread with the identifier tid
that was created in the suspended state.
If successful, the function returns rcOk.
Page topKosThreadSleep()
This function is declared in the kos/thread.h
Retcode KosThreadSleep(rtl_uint32_t mdelay);
Suspends execution of the current thread for mdelay
(in milliseconds).
If successful, the function returns rcOk.
Page topKosThreadSuspend()
This function is declared in the kos/thread.h
Retcode KosThreadSuspend(Tid tid);
Permanently stops the current thread without finishing it.
The tid
parameter must be equal to the identifier of the current thread (a limitation of the current implementation).
If successful, the function returns rcOk.
Page topKosThreadTerminate()
This function is declared in the kos/thread.h
Retcode KosThreadTerminate(Tid tid, rtl_int32_t exitCode);
This function terminates the thread of the calling process. The tid
parameter defines the ID of the thread.
If the tid
points to the current thread, the exitCode
parameter defines the thread exit code.
If successful, the function returns rcOk.
Page topKosThreadTlsGet()
This function is declared in the kos/thread.h
void *KosThreadTlsGet(void);
This function returns the pointer to the local storage of the thread (TLS) or RTL_NULL if there is no TLS.
Page topKosThreadTlsSet()
This function is declared in the kos/thread.h
Retcode KosThreadTlsSet(void *tls);
This function defines the address of the local storage for the thread (TLS).
Input argument tls
contains the TLS address.
This function is declared in the kos/thread.h
int KosThreadWait(rtl_uint32_t tid, rtl_uint32_t timeout);
This function suspends execution of the current thread until termination of the thread with the identifier tid
or until the timeout
(in milliseconds).
The KosThreadWait()
call with a zero value for timeout
is analogous to the KosThreadYield()
call .
If successful, the function returns rcOk. In case of timeout, it returns rcTimeout.
Page topKosThreadYield()
This function is declared in the kos/thread.h
void KosThreadYield(void);
Passes execution of the thread that called it to the next thread.
The KosThreadYield()
call is analogous to the KosThreadSleep()
call with a zero value for mdelay