KasperskyOS Community Edition 1.1



The makeimg script creates the final boot image of the KasperskyOS-based solution with all executable files of programs and the Kaspersky Security Module.

The script receives a list of files, including the executable files of all applications that need to be added to ROMFS of the loaded image, and creates the following files:

  • Solution image
  • Solution image without character tables (.stripped)
  • Solution image with debug character tables (.dbg.syms)

Syntax for using the makeimg script:

makeimg --target=ARCH --sys-root=PATH --with-toolchain=PATH --ldscript=PATH --img-src=PATH --img-dst=PATH --with-init=PATH [--with-extra-asflags=FLAGS][--with-extra-ldflags=FLAGS][--help] FILES



    List of paths to files, including the executable files of all applications that need to be added to ROMFS.

    The security module (ksm.module) must be explicitly specified, or else it will not be included in the solution image. The Einit application does not need to be indicated because it will be automatically included in the solution image.

  • --target=ARCH

    Architecture for which the build is intended.

  • --sys-root=PATH

    Path to the root directory sysroot. By default, this directory is located in /opt/KasperskyOS-Community-Edition-version/sysroot-aarch64-kos/.

  • --with-toolchain=PATH

    Path to the set of auxiliary tools required for the solution build. By default, these tools are located in /opt/KasperskyOS-Community-Edition-<version>/toolchain/.

  • --ldscript=PATH

    Path to the linker script required for the solution build. By default, this script is located in /opt/KasperskyOS-Community-Edition-<version>/libexec/aarch64-kos/.

  • --img-src=PATH

    Path to the precompiled KasperskyOS kernel. By default, the kernel is located in /opt/KasperskyOS-Community-Edition-<version>/libexec/aarch64-kos/.

  • --img-dst=PATH

    Path to the created image file.

  • --with-init=PATH

    Path to the executable file of the Einit initializing program.

  • --with-extra-asflags=FLAGS

    Additional flags for the AS Assembler.

  • --with-extra-ldflags=FLAGS

    Additional flags for the LD Linker.

  • -h, --help

    Displays the Help text.

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[Topic makeimg]