IPC mechanism
Exchanging IPC messages
In KasperskyOS, processes interact with each other by exchanging IPC messages (IPC request and IPC response). In an interaction between processes, there are two separate roles: client (the process that initiates the interaction) and server (the process that handles the request). Additionally, a process that acts as a client in one interaction can act as a server in another.
To exchange IPC messages, the client and server use three system calls: Call()
, Recv()
and Reply()
(see the figure below):
- The client sends an IPC request to the server. To do so, one of the client's threads makes the
system call and is locked until an IPC response is received from the server. - The server thread that has made the
system call waits for IPC requests. When an IPC request is received, this thread is unlocked and handles the request, then sends an IPC response by making theReply()
system call. - When an IPC response is received, the client thread is unlocked and continues execution.
Exchanging IPC messages between a client and a server
Calling methods of server endpoints
IPC requests are sent to the server when the client calls endpoint methods of the server (hereinafter also referred to as interface methods) (see the figure below). The IPC request contains input parameters for the called method, as well as the endpoint ID (RIID) and the called method ID (MID). Upon receiving a request, the server uses these identifiers to find the method's implementation. The server calls the method's implementation while passing in the input parameters from the IPC request. After handling the request, the server sends the client an IPC response that contains the output parameters of the method.
Calling a server endpoint method
IPC channels
To enable two processes to exchange IPC messages, an IPC channel must be established between them. An IPC channel has a client side and a server side. One process can use multiple IPC channels at the same time. A process may act as a server for some IPC channels while acting as a client for other IPC channels.
KasperskyOS has two mechanisms for creating IPC channels:
- The static mechanism involves the creation of IPC channels when the solution is started. IPC channels are created statically by the initializing program.
- The dynamic mechanism allows already running processes to establish IPC channels between each other.
IPC control
The Kaspersky Security Module is integrated into the IPC implementation mechanism. The security module is aware of the contents of IPC messages for all possible interactions because IDL, CDL and EDL descriptions are used to generate the source code of this module. This enables the security module to verify that the interactions between processes comply with the solution security policy.
The KasperskyOS kernel queries the security module each time a process sends an IPC message to another process. The security module operating scenario includes the following steps:
- The security module verifies that the IPC message complies with the called method of the endpoint (the size of the IPC message is verified along with the size and location of certain structural elements).
- If the IPC message is incorrect, the security module makes the "deny" decision and the next step of the scenario is not carried out. If the IPC message is correct, the next step of the scenario is carried out.
- The security module checks whether the security rules allow the requested action. If allowed, the security module makes the "granted" decision. Otherwise it makes the "denied" decision.
The kernel executes the security module decision. In other words, it either delivers the IPC message to the recipient process or rejects its delivery. If delivery of an IPC message is rejected, the sender process receives an error code via the return code of the Call()
or Reply()
system call.
The security module checks IPC requests as well as IPC responses. The figure below depicts the controlled exchange of IPC messages between a client and a server.
Controlled exchange of IPC messages between a client and a server
Page topTransport code for IPC
Implementation of interaction between processes requires transport code, which is responsible for properly creating, packing, sending, and unpacking IPC messages. However, developers of KasperskyOS-based solutions do not have to write their own transport code. Instead, you can use special tools and libraries included in the KasperskyOS SDK.
Transport code for developed components of a solution
A developer of a KasperskyOS-based solution component can generate transport code based on IDL, CDL and EDL descriptions related to this component. The KasperskyOS SDK includes the nk-gen-c
compiler for this purpose. The nk-gen-c
compiler lets you generate transport methods and types for use by both a client and a server.
Transport code for supplied components of a solution
Most components included in the KasperskyOS SDK may be used in a solution both locally (through static linking with other components) as well as via IPC.
To use a supplied component via IPC, the KasperskyOS SDK provides the following transport libraries:
- Solution component's client library, which converts local calls into IPC requests.
- Solution component's server library, which converts IPC requests into local calls.
The client library is linked to the client code (the component code that will use the supplied component). The server library is linked to the implementation of the supplied component (see the figure below).
Using a supplied solution component via IPC
Page topIPC between a process and the kernel
The IPC mechanism is used for interaction between processes and the KasperskyOS kernel. In other words, processes exchange IPC messages with the kernel. The kernel provides endpoints, and processes use those endpoints. Processes query core endpoints by calling functions of the libkos
library (directly or via other libraries). The client transport code for interaction between a process and the kernel is included in this library.
A solution developer is not required to create IPC channels between processes and the kernel because these channels are created automatically when processes are created. (To set up interaction between processes, the solution developer has to create IPC channels between them.)
The Kaspersky Security Module makes decisions regarding interaction between processes and the kernel the same way it makes decisions regarding interaction between a process and other processes. (The KasperskyOS SDK has IDL, CDL and EDL descriptions for the kernel that are used to generate source code of the security module.)
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