KasperskyOS Community Edition 1.1

Transport code for IPC

Implementation of interaction between processes requires transport code, which is responsible for properly creating, packing, sending, and unpacking IPC messages. However, developers of KasperskyOS-based solutions do not have to write their own transport code. Instead, you can use special tools and libraries included in the KasperskyOS SDK.

Transport code for developed components of a solution

A developer of a KasperskyOS-based solution component can generate transport code based on IDL, CDL and EDL descriptions related to this component. The KasperskyOS SDK includes the nk-gen-c compiler for this purpose. The nk-gen-c compiler lets you generate transport methods and types for use by both a client and a server.

Transport code for supplied components of a solution

Most components included in the KasperskyOS SDK may be used in a solution both locally (through static linking with other components) as well as via IPC.

To use a supplied component via IPC, the KasperskyOS SDK provides the following transport libraries:

  • Solution component's client library, which converts local calls into IPC requests.
  • Solution component's server library, which converts IPC requests into local calls.

The client library is linked to the client code (the component code that will use the supplied component). The server library is linked to the implementation of the supplied component (see the figure below).

Using a supplied solution component via IPC

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