spi_check_regs example
This example demonstrates use of the SPI
(Serial Peripheral Interface) driver in KasperskyOS.
The example shows how to work with the SPI interface on the Sense HAT add-on board for Raspberry Pi. In this example, the Client
program uses the SPI
driver interface. The program opens an SPI channel, displays its parameters and sets the necessary operating mode. Then the program sends a data sequence over this channel and waits to receive the ID of the ATTiny controller installed on the Sense HAT board.
The client library of the SPI
driver is statically linked to the Client
program. The Client
program also uses the gpio
driver to set the controller operating mode and the BSP (Board Support Platform) subsystem for configuring clock frequencies (Clocks) and pins multiplexing (PinMux).
The CMake
system, which is included with KasperskyOS Community Edition, is used to build and run the example.
Example files
The code of the example and build scripts are available at the following path:
Building and running example
This example is intended to run only on Raspberry Pi. For the example to work correctly, you must connect the Sense HAT module to the SPI port.
See Building and running examples section.
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