KasperskyOS Community Edition 1.1

Using a Docker container

To install and use KasperskyOS Community Edition, you can use a Docker container in which an image of one of the supported operating systems is deployed.

To use a Docker container for installing KasperskyOS Community Edition:

  1. Make sure that the Docker software is installed and running.
  2. To download the official Docker image of the Debian "Buster" 10.12 operating system from the public Docker Hub repository, run the following command:

    docker pull debian:10.12

  3. To run the image, run the following command:

    docker run --net=host --user root --privileged -it --rm debian:10.12 bash

  4. Copy the DEB package for installation of KasperskyOS Community Edition into the container.
  5. Install KasperskyOS Community Edition.
  6. To ensure correct operation of certain examples:
    1. Add the /usr/sbin directory to the PATH environment variable within the container by running the following command:

      export PATH=/usr/sbin:$PATH

    2. Install the parted program within the container. To do so, add the following string to /etc/apt/sources.list:

      deb http://deb.debian.org/debian bullseye main

      After this, run the following command:

      sudo apt update && sudo apt install parted

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