Building a VFS executable file

When building a VFS executable file, you can include whatever specific functionality is required in this file, such as:

For example, you will need to build a "file version" and a "network version" of VFS to separate file calls from network calls. In some cases, you will need to include a network stack and file systems in the VFS ("full version" of VFS).

Building a "file version" of VFS

Let's examine a VFS program containing only an implementation of the lwext4 file system without a network stack. To build this executable file, the file containing the main() function must be linked to the vfs_server, vfs_fs and lwext4 libraries:


project (vfsfs)

include (platform/nk)

# Set compile flags

project_header_default ("STANDARD_GNU_11:YES" "STRICT_WARNINGS:NO")

add_executable (VfsFs "src/vfs.c")

# Linking with VFS libraries

target_link_libraries (VfsFs




# Prepare VFS to connect to the ramdisk driver process

set_target_properties (VfsFs PROPERTIES ${blkdev_ENTITY}_REPLACEMENT ${ramdisk_ENTITY})

A block device driver cannot be linked to VFS and therefore must also be run as a separate process.

Interaction between three processes: client, "file version" of VFS, and block device driver.

Building a "network version" of VFS together with a network driver

Let's examine a VFS program containing a network stack with a driver but without implementations of files systems. To build this executable file, the file containing the main() function must be linked to the vfs_server, vfs_implementation and dnet_implementation libraries.


project (vfsnet)

include (platform/nk)

# Set compile flags

project_header_default ("STANDARD_GNU_11:YES" "STRICT_WARNINGS:NO")

add_executable (VfsNet "src/vfs.c")

# Linking with VFS libraries

target_link_libraries (VfsNet




# Disconnect the block device driver

set_target_properties (VfsNet PROPERTIES ${blkdev_ENTITY}_REPLACEMENT "")

The dnet_implementation library already includes a network driver, therefore it is not necessary to start a separate driver process.

Interaction between the Client process and the process of the "network version" of VFS

Building a "network version" of VFS with a separate network driver

Another option is to build the "network version" of VFS without a network driver. The network driver will need to be started as a separate process. Interaction with the driver occurs via IPC using the dnet_client library.

In this case, the file containing the main() function must be linked to the vfs_server, vfs_implementation and dnet_client libraries.


project (vfsnet)

include (platform/nk)

# Set compile flags

project_header_default ("STANDARD_GNU_11:YES" "STRICT_WARNINGS:NO")

add_executable (VfsNet "src/vfs.c")

# Linking with VFS libraries

target_link_libraries (VfsNet




# Disconnect the block device driver

set_target_properties (VfsNet PROPERTIES ${blkdev_ENTITY}_REPLACEMENT "")

Interaction between three processes: client, "network version" of VFS, and network driver.

Building a "full version" of VFS

If the VFS needs to include a network stack and implementations of file systems, the build should use the vfs_server library, vfs_implementation library, dnet_implementation library (or dnet_client library for a separate network driver), and the libraries for implementing file systems.

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