Viewing event details

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The event list contains details about the events. You can also open an event details window. The event details window provides all the information about the event.

To open event details:

  1. In the main menu, go to MONITORING & REPORTING THREAT HUNTING, and then run a query.
  2. Click the table row with the event.

A window with details about the event opens.

Clicking a value in the event details or in the event table opens a context menu with a list of actions. For each value, the following actions are available:

In addition, for the SID, UserName, IP, MD5, URL, and Domain object types, the following actions are available:

The enrich.hunts.names field contains the names of the IOA rules that were triggered by the event. Clicking a link in this field opens a window with details about the triggered custom rule.

From the event details, you can view a tree of events by clicking the corresponding button.

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