Linking alerts to incidents

You can link one or multiple alerts to an incident, for example, for the following reasons:

You can link an alert to an incident if the alert has any status except for Closed. When linked to an incident, an alert loses its current status and gains the special status In incident. If you link alerts that are currently linked to other incidents, the alerts are unlinked from the current incidents, because an alert can be linked to only one incident.

Alerts can be linked to an incident manually or automatically.

Linking alerts manually

To link alerts to an existing or new incident:

  1. In the main menu, go to MONITORING & REPORTING Alerts.
  2. If you have both Kaspersky EDR Optimum and Kaspersky EDR Expert integrated into Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console, the Alerts section is divided into tabs. Go to the Expert tab. Otherwise, skip this step.
  3. Select the check boxes next to the alerts that you want to link to an incident.
  4. If you want to link alerts to an existing incident:
    1. Click the Link to incident button.
    2. Select an incident to link the alerts to.
  5. If you want to link alerts to a new incident:
    1. Click the Create incident button.
    2. Fill in the properties of the new incident: name, assignee, and priority.
  6. Click the Save button.

The selected alerts are linked to an existing or new incident.

Linking alerts automatically

Kaspersky EDR Expert has built-in rules to link alerts to an incident automatically. By default, these rules are disabled. You can enable them to help you handle the newly registered alerts. You can only enable or disable all of the rules at once.

Automatic incident creation rules:

To enable the automatic incident creation rules:

  1. Go to Console settings Integration.

    The Console settings window opens.

  2. On the Integration tab, select the Kaspersky EDR Expert section.
  3. Click the Settings link next to the Incident creation option.

    The Incident creation window opens.

  4. Select the Enable rules to create incidents automatically option.
  5. Click the OK button.

The automatic incident creation rules are enabled.

See also:

About alerts

Viewing the alert table

Unlinking alerts from incidents

About incidents

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