Viewing the incident table
The incident table provides an overview of all created incidents.
To view the incident table,
In the main menu, go to MONITORING & REPORTING → incidents.
The incident table is displayed.
The incident table has the following columns:
- Incident ID, name. A name and a unique identifier of an incident.
- Created. Date and time when the incident was created.
- Updated. Date and time of the last change, from the incident history.
- Threat duration. Time between the earliest and the most recent events among all of the alerts linked to the incident.
- Status. Current status of the incident.
- Severity, priority. Severity and priority of the incident.
- Analyst. Current assignee of the incident.
- Detection source. Application that obtained the telemetry data.
- Technology. The technologies that detected the alerts linked to the incident.
- Affected assets. Devices and users that were affected by the incident.
- Observables. Number of the detection artifacts, for example, IP addresses or MD5 hashes of files.
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