Trusted device window

In this window, you can add a device to the list of trusted devices by its identifier.

Adding device by ID



Device ID

The field for entering the identifier or the identifier mask of the device that you want to add to the list of trusted devices.

To specify an identifier, you can use the following wildcards: * (any sequence of characters) or ? (any single character). For example, you can specify the USBSTOR* mask to allow access to all USB drives.

Find on hosts

Clicking this button displays the settings of the device found by the specified identifier if the device is connected to the client device. The button is available if the Device ID field is not empty.

Device settings

This section contains the following information about the device:

  • Device name – name of the trusted device.
  • Device type – trusted device type (for example, Hard drive or Smart card reader).
  • Name of the client — the name of the client device that the trusted device is connected to.


The field for entering a comment for the device that you want to add to the list of trusted devices (optional).

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