Kaspersky Security Network

To increase the protection of devices and user data, Kaspersky Endpoint Security can use Kaspersky cloud-based knowledge base Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) to check the reputation of files, Internet resources, and software. The use of Kaspersky Security Network data ensures a faster response to various threats, high protection component performance, and fewer false positives.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports the following infrastructure solutions to work with Kaspersky reputation databases:

After changing the Kaspersky Endpoint Security license, submit the details of the new key to the service provider in order to be able to use KPSN. Otherwise, data exchange with KPSN will be impossible due to an authentication error.

Use of Kaspersky Security Network is voluntary. Kaspersky Endpoint Security suggests using KSN during installation. You can start or stop using KSN at any time.

There are two options for using KSN:

You can start or stop using Kaspersky Security Network at any time. You can also select another Kaspersky Security Network usage option by clicking the Edit button.

No personal data is collected, processed, or stored. Detailed information about the storage, and destruction, and/or submission to Kaspersky of statistical information generated during participation in KSN is available in the Kaspersky Security Network Statement and on Kaspersky's website.

You can read the text of the Kaspersky Security Network Statement in the Kaspersky Security Network Statement window, which can be opened by clicking the Kaspersky Security Network Statement link.

User devices managed by Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server can interact with KSN via the KSN proxy server service. You can configure the KSN proxy server settings in the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server properties. For details about the KSN proxy server service refer to Kaspersky Security Center documentation.

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